Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe

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Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe Church and Community Transformation Journey

Mail Us efz.@.africaonline.co.zw Call Us +263 774 136 567 Donate HOME PROJECTS Overview The Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe through the Commission for Ministry Development has since 2012 been working towards the transformation of people and communities through the project call Church and Community Mobilization Process (CCMP). CCMP aims to advocate and mobilize communities towards sustainable development and poverty reduction. A number of communities in all the 10 provinces of Zimbabwe have been mobilized and empowered for transformation. Stories of change have recorded in all aspects of life with communities testifying of economic, spiritual, social, emotional and physical changes taking place in the lives of people. A number of components have been integrated to the process over the years in making sure that a holistic transformation takes place in the lives of people within communities. The following are the components that have been integrated in the process. Activities 1. Participatory Assessment of Disaster Reduction (PADR) Through PADR initiatives, infrastructures like Dams, Dam wares , awareness campaigns and empowerment trainings were conducted in some communities. 2. Self Help Groups (SHG) This is a strategy that encourages people to work in small groups gathering their financial resources together with a focus of helping each other start income generating business. This normally targets the poorest of the poor in communities. Currently there are are about 11 communities engaging in SHGs 3. Inclusion In a world full of segregation, exclusion and divisions, the concept of Inclusion focuses on helping communities to be inclusive in their programming. Communities have people who differently abled, educated and not educated, different tribes and cultures hence the concept of inclusion seeks to empower different stakeholders within communities to shun exclusion and be inclusive in whatever they do. Inclusive plays a pivotal role in making sure that opportunities are provided to everyone without segregation. 4. Social Accountability (SA) This is an advocacy tool that has been used by some communities in engaging their stakeholders for service delivery and positives results has been reported where relationships between service providers and community stakeholders had a good working relationship resulting in improvements of service delivery in the communities that have integrated this in their CCMP work. Oneness CCMP facilitators Full Gospel Group Chegutu CCMP training Taruona garden – CCMP 5. Denominations Church denominations have adopted CCMP as a strategy for doing ministry and there has been some feedback from the churches to say that the concept has awakened them on the need to address both physical and spiritual needs of the people without focusing only on spiritual change. Churches have reported about members overcoming dependency syndrome and having confidence to use available resources in transforming their situations. 6. Theological Colleges (TC) Having realized that theological colleges plays a pivotal role in shaping and grouping ministers of the gospel, conversations have been going on to have colleges integrating CCMP into their curriculum. The expected result of this is to have pastors during their trainings get an appreciation of the need to minister holistically bringing a significant change in communities through their ministries. So the focus will be to introduce the concept of Integral Mission and CCMP during their training at theological colleges. 7. Environmental & Economic Sustainability (EES) This component focuses on empowering communities with skills and knowledge on promoting the well being of the environment as well as coming up with ways of economic sustainability. This advocates for an economic growth and sustainability and has been focusing on young people (18 – 35 years). Porcine Project under CCMP CCMP trainers Binga Group Photo Chipinge training notes Bakery project in Dora – CCMP SHG meeting in Dora SHG in Dora Horticulture project in Dora Envisioning Church leaders on CCMP in Dora EES meeting with young people on Dora Clean up campaign in Dora Irisvale Meeting CCMP Facilitators Irisvale bridge Pentecostal Holiness building Irisvale school Do you want to help us raise funds for these and other projects? Partner with us Donate Now PartnerWith Us Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin 2 Maitland Avenue, Arcadia Harare, Zimbabwe efz@africaonline.co.zw +263 242 772 234+263 242 772 235 +263 774 136 567 Newsletter Subscribe to receive our newsletter Sign Up

Education for Family Transformation (EFT) Project

Mail Us efz.@.africaonline.co.zw Call Us +263 774 136 567 Donate HOME PROJECTS Overview DISTRICT: Irisvale, Umzingwane DistrictPROVINCE: Matebeleland South Objective Contributing towards the empowerment of vulnerable women and girls in Irisvale through utilization of non-formal educational approaches. Objective To improve income generating streams for 50 households To strengthen the capacity of men, women, boys and girls on addressing harmful cultural practices that perpetuate Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) Activities Gender and Positive Masculinities Training Self Help Groups (SHG’s) More than 90 women and girls are benefiting from the  established SHG’s in the district. The project established 9 SHG groups and more are to established in all the 13 villages. The SHG are to diversify livelihood options for the community to the extent of introducing new farming projects such as goat breeding and piggery. Of the 9 SHGs 3 groups have started community gardening with one group purchasing a water pump to use for their irrigation projects. The other 6 SHG’s are still fundraising for their in dividual livelihoods projects.   Poultry Projects 32 young women and girls are beneficiaries to the broiler keeping and management project in Umzingwane district Irisvale village. Some of the young women and girls are now involved in small businesses such as merchandising and small enterprising some now own livestock in their names. 3 of the girls have thriving poultry business which are linked with new markets in Mawabeni and other nearby villages. These 3 girls poultry business trade between 300- 400 birds every 2 months. We are hoping that the project will develop inclusive business development strategies that focus on relieving market constraints, and increasing returns to farmers. Introducing Climate Smart Agriculture Practices The project is also embarking on CSA techniques on the garden in order to deal with the ravaging climate change within the society. While Irisvale receives very minimal rainfall and has a low water table, there is need to engage in climate smart crops which will ensure maximum production in the garden with the little available water resources. This will be done in collaboration with the AGRITEX in conducting CSA trainings on the best water conservation methods, conservation agriculture so as to maximise on the produce which will be value added on the solar dryer, packaged and sold. Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Positive masculinity champions – In order to promote community driven initiatives, the project have capacitated 40 SGBV champions and 35 positive masculinity champions who are spearheading SGBV initiatives at village level within the Irisvale Ward.  So far, a total of 4 community initiatives have been conducted at village level, 2 were couples’ seminars which brought a total of 30 couples to discuss on marital issues and how to live harmoniously as husband and wife. 2 community multistakeholder meetings were conducted and these mobilized like minded organizations such as as Musasa project, Ministry of Women Affairs, Zimbabwe Republic Police Victim Friendly Unit and Zimbabwe Association of Church related hospitals (ZACH) who are also working on issues of gender. These meetings positioned church in Irisvale within the district referral pathway. Church in Irisvale is now considered as a referral assisting survivors of SGBV within the communities Gender Action Learning Systems (Gals) Training of Trainers In order to promote community driven initiatives, the project conducted a training on gender action learning systems which capacitated the community on individual life and livelihood planning, collective action and gender advocacy for change, institutional awareness raising and changing power relationship with service providers, private sector stakeholders and government bodies and how to be gender sensitive within church and communities. The training equipped the community on understanding how gender balance is crucial and important within various groups including the community committees, church committees and farmer group committees. The training of trainers facilitated the establishment of a knowledge hubs where the trained community members (GALS Facilitators) are to cascade the training to at least 3 community groups within their villages per each trained individual. The training of trainers capacitated a total of 13 traditional leaders in Irisvale community as they are the custodians of culture and as they are the community gatekeepers and have a very positive influence on their people. Currently the communities have engaged MWACSMED on economic empowerment issues GALS Facilitators SHGs Training Couples Training Poultry Production for Young Women ready for the market Menstrual Hygiene Promotion In order to address sanitary poverty and the promotion of menstrual hygiene management in Zimbabwe EFZ in the 2023 through the anticipatory approach initiative distributed 600 dignity kits which comprised of bath towels, dental care kit, bath soaps, washing soaps, roll on, Vaseline, skin tights, sanitary pads both reusable and disposables, undergarmets and a Zambia. The distribution was done in political hot spots as well as domestic violence hot places and these included, Chiredzi, Mvurwi, Makoni, Mutasa, Domboshava and Gokwe South and North. The dignity kits lessened the burden of sanitary poverty as the kits included washable sanitary pads and also included underwear garments. The menstrual hygiene trainings increased the levels ok knowledge and awareness on menstrual hygiene and this contribute to decrease the cervical cancer cases as well as domestic abuse as women and girls are aware of the dangers of using harmful sanitary wear substitutes. In 2024 EFZ is spearheading a sanitary wear donation drive in all the 10 provinces of Zimbabwe and it is anticipating to assist more that 1000 girls in Zimbabwe. This sanitary wear drive is coordinated through the EFZ women’s ministry led by the Women Provincial chairladies. We are calling upon all men and women in Zimbabwe to kindly join the sanitary wear drive as together we can assist a girl by boosting her period confidence. Kindly donate in cash or in kind in the form of sanitary pads, tooth pastes, undergarments etc Dignity kits-Distribution in Makoni Dignity kits-Distribution in Makoni Do you want to help us raise funds for these and other projects? Partner with us Donate Now Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin 2 Maitland Avenue, Arcadia Harare, Zimbabwe efz@africaonline.co.zw +263

Promoting Sustainable Agriculture in Mutare

Farmers from Buhera, Dora, Mutsongi, Karikiriki and Zindoga had the opportunity to be trained on sustainable agriculture through the ‘Equipping the church and community for transformative development’ project.

Mentorship of Rural Young Women and Girls

Our 1st mentor- a woman who grew up in rural Zimbabwe, lost parents at tender age, and did not do very well in school. She however went on to run for national elections as Councilor against 8 male other contestants and lost by 4 votes. Today she owns her own baking business after obtaining a baking certificate, and takes care of her family with no help from outside. She has worked with other organizations using her story as inspiration to disadvantaged young women and girls.

The EFZ has understood the importance of inspiration and motivation in self-development and growth. We have recognized that sometimes the only barrier to someone’s success and transformation is a lack of inspiration.

The Tamuka Self Help Group- Empowering Rural Women

The Tamuka Self Help Group is based in Dora, Mutare rural district in Manicaland. It is situated in Gutukunhuhwa village and has a membership of 17 women from 17 households. Through their weekly savings the group currently has USD65 in its coffers.

The Self-Help Group (SHG) Concept Making Impact

Through the Church and Community Mobilization Process, EFZ continues to reach the most vulnerable; transforming lives whilst empowering individuals to be self-dependent across all provinces in the country.

Re-vitalizing the Zunde raMambo Concept in Dora

Kuhudzayi village in Dora is home to a high number of orphaned children and the elderly. The village Head, Mr Matiki said that food was barely readily available for them and the vulnerable members of the community had resorted to the selling of pit and river sand, negatively impacting the environment.