Transforming Livelihoods Through Agriculture Input Support Programme

Our Enhancing Food Security and Livelihoods of Poor small-holder farmers in Zimbabwe project has reached to the most vulnerable in Bindura and Makoni districts.
Media Teams Training
[tabs] [tab title=”Sat, 24 Apr 2021″] Media Teams Training – Part 3 [youtube id=”nMcSug5VziI” width=”100%” height=”720px” autoplay=”no”controls=”” wmode=”” showinfo=”” class=”” ] A Zoom Meeting where you will learn about use of Media in the Church. Learn about Branding Your Church, Packaging Your Message, etc. Learn how to position your church so that you make the maximum impact and win people to the Lord. [/tab] [tab title=”Sat, 1 May 2021″] Media Teams Training – Part 4 [youtube id=”_fwpFMTUdsY” width=”100%” height=”720px” autoplay=”no”controls=”” wmode=”” showinfo=”” class=”” ] A Zoom Meeting where you will learn about use of Media in the Church. Learn about Video and the Online Presence. Make use of the tools available today and maximize the impact your church can have across the globe. [/tab] [/tabs]
How to Access a Community Radio Broadcasting Licence
[youtube id=”UueJALY4_jM” width=”100%” height=”720px” autoplay=”no”controls=”” wmode=”” showinfo=”” class=”” ] A Zoom Workshop, hosted by the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe, aimed at equipping churches with knowledge about Community Radio Licenses. View presentations by representatives from the Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe and Zimbabwe Community Radios Association.
EFZ Covid Response Paper

Become A Member

Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe (EFZ) established in 1962, is a membership-based voluntary national Fellowship composed of church denominations, Para church bodies, Christian organizations and individuals adhering to the common beliefs attributed to evangelical and Pentecostal Christian orthodoxy. Evangelicals join in fellowship to proclaim and demonstrate the Whole Gospel of the Kingdom of God saving the soul, body and spirit. This is done through facilitating fellowship and ministry of member bodies, ministering to the nation and providing humanitarian, relief, advocacy, counsel, peace building, development services, women and youth empowerment and entrepreneurship. EFZ has a membership of over 900 members and is active in all 10 Provinces of the Country. Objectives of Membership To propagate and disseminate the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ by whatever moral and legal means available. To empower and mobilize member bodies in their different wholistic ministries through the following commissions: Humanitarian, Relief and Development Commission Ministry Development Commission Peace and Justice Commission Gender Development Commission Research and Development Commission To provide for spiritual fellowship among evangelical Christians as a means of united action in promoting Bible teaching, prayer and evangelical ministries in accordance with the evangelical faith outlined in the Fellowship Statement of Faith directed toward the perfecting of individual members, the edification and renewal of the church of Jesus Christ, and salvation of lost souls. To work together with a view to awakening Christian people to the dangers of unbiblical trends and that form of ecumenicity which is achieved at the expense of vital Christian truth. To facilitate the operation of programmes and/or institutions such as seminars, conferences, training programmes, financial programmes and interest networks Benefits of Being a Member The Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe provides the following services to its members derived from her vision, mission, values and objectives: Safeguarding the freedoms of worship A united Evangelical voice and platform for engagement with key stakeholders Coordinating national dialogues and engagements A platform for mobilization for gospel proclamation A platform for empowering members around the 5 Commissions A platform for networking Churches and Leaders An accountability and self regulatory mechanism Conflict resolution and mediation support Public endorsements recognized by State and Government Agencies Organizational development support Capacity development services Church empowerment for the Great Commission Link with the regional and international ecumenical groups and networks Establishing partnerships with members in ministry activities Representation of the collective body of members at the international level To begin the process of becoming a member, please download and fill in the membership form below together with the constitution. When done, please send the form to . [row] [grid 4] EFZ Constitution [/grid] [grid 4] EFZ Membership Form [/grid] [/row]
Lockdown extended to 15 February

Saturday 30 January 2021 Prayert Points
Psalm 91:5-7 NLT
“You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.
A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.”
Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests to Members of the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe around COVID-19
Sunday 20 December 2020 Prayer Points – Praying for Zimbabwe’s Youth

#NationalPrayerZimbabwe ?? #PrayEngageBuild #Post90DaysPrayer
Saturday 19 December 2020 Prayer Points – Praying Zimbabwe Back to God

#NationalPrayerZimbabwe ?? #PrayEngageBuild #Post90DaysPrayer