Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe

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Managing the Psychological Impact of COVID-19

Recorded Zoom meeting by the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe.

The Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe, in partnership with AFREG, Choose Life International and Jamaica Christian Diaspora Conference invites you to watch this recorded Webinar.

Managing the Psychological Impact of COVID-19

Recorded Zoom meeting by the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe. The Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe, in partnership with AFREG, Choose Life International and Jamaica Christian Diaspora Conference invites you to watch this recorded Webinar.

Promoting Sustainable Agriculture in Mutare

Farmers from Buhera, Dora, Mutsongi, Karikiriki and Zindoga had the opportunity to be trained on sustainable agriculture through the ‘Equipping the church and community for transformative development’ project.

Mentorship of Rural Young Women and Girls

Our 1st mentor- a woman who grew up in rural Zimbabwe, lost parents at tender age, and did not do very well in school. She however went on to run for national elections as Councilor against 8 male other contestants and lost by 4 votes. Today she owns her own baking business after obtaining a baking certificate, and takes care of her family with no help from outside. She has worked with other organizations using her story as inspiration to disadvantaged young women and girls.

The EFZ has understood the importance of inspiration and motivation in self-development and growth. We have recognized that sometimes the only barrier to someone’s success and transformation is a lack of inspiration.

The Tamuka Self Help Group- Empowering Rural Women

The Tamuka Self Help Group is based in Dora, Mutare rural district in Manicaland. It is situated in Gutukunhuhwa village and has a membership of 17 women from 17 households. Through their weekly savings the group currently has USD65 in its coffers.

The Self-Help Group (SHG) Concept Making Impact

Through the Church and Community Mobilization Process, EFZ continues to reach the most vulnerable; transforming lives whilst empowering individuals to be self-dependent across all provinces in the country.

Re-vitalizing the Zunde raMambo Concept in Dora

Kuhudzayi village in Dora is home to a high number of orphaned children and the elderly. The village Head, Mr Matiki said that food was barely readily available for them and the vulnerable members of the community had resorted to the selling of pit and river sand, negatively impacting the environment.