[Document] Political Party and Campaign Finance
An article by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) on “Political Party and Campaign Finance”.
[Document] Addressing Election Disputes and Election Offenses in Zimbabwe
An article by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) on “Addressing Election Disputes and Election Offenses in Zimbabwe”.
[Video] Message of Peace from the Dr Musasiwa
Dr Roy Musasiwa shares a message of peace.
Cyclone Idai: Church Response Presentation
Church Response Presentation Click on the images below to view the slideshow: {gallery}cyclone-idai-report{/gallery}
[Poster] Grow, share and embrace peace.
Always rise to the occasion and take the opportunity to grow, share and embrace peace.
[Poster] Do justice, love mercy, walk humbly with our God
In authority, choose the path of JUSTICE, not injustice and the path of LOVE, not hate.
[Poster] We are each our brother’s and sister’s keeper
Our conscience must ALWAYS prompt us to HELP others… But when we cannot, we MUST NOT harm them.
[Video] Message of Peace from the EFZ President
Bishop Never Muparutsa, President of the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe, shares a message of peace to the people of Zimbabwe.