Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe

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Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe Church and Community Transformation Journey

Mail Us efz.@.africaonline.co.zw Call Us +263 774 136 567 Donate HOME PROJECTS Overview The Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe through the Commission for Ministry Development has since 2012 been working towards the transformation of people and communities through the project call Church and Community Mobilization Process (CCMP). CCMP aims to advocate and mobilize communities towards sustainable development and poverty reduction. A number of communities in all the 10 provinces of Zimbabwe have been mobilized and empowered for transformation. Stories of change have recorded in all aspects of life with communities testifying of economic, spiritual, social, emotional and physical changes taking place in the lives of people. A number of components have been integrated to the process over the years in making sure that a holistic transformation takes place in the lives of people within communities. The following are the components that have been integrated in the process. Activities 1. Participatory Assessment of Disaster Reduction (PADR) Through PADR initiatives, infrastructures like Dams, Dam wares , awareness campaigns and empowerment trainings were conducted in some communities. 2. Self Help Groups (SHG) This is a strategy that encourages people to work in small groups gathering their financial resources together with a focus of helping each other start income generating business. This normally targets the poorest of the poor in communities. Currently there are are about 11 communities engaging in SHGs 3. Inclusion In a world full of segregation, exclusion and divisions, the concept of Inclusion focuses on helping communities to be inclusive in their programming. Communities have people who differently abled, educated and not educated, different tribes and cultures hence the concept of inclusion seeks to empower different stakeholders within communities to shun exclusion and be inclusive in whatever they do. Inclusive plays a pivotal role in making sure that opportunities are provided to everyone without segregation. 4. Social Accountability (SA) This is an advocacy tool that has been used by some communities in engaging their stakeholders for service delivery and positives results has been reported where relationships between service providers and community stakeholders had a good working relationship resulting in improvements of service delivery in the communities that have integrated this in their CCMP work. Oneness CCMP facilitators Full Gospel Group Chegutu CCMP training Taruona garden – CCMP 5. Denominations Church denominations have adopted CCMP as a strategy for doing ministry and there has been some feedback from the churches to say that the concept has awakened them on the need to address both physical and spiritual needs of the people without focusing only on spiritual change. Churches have reported about members overcoming dependency syndrome and having confidence to use available resources in transforming their situations. 6. Theological Colleges (TC) Having realized that theological colleges plays a pivotal role in shaping and grouping ministers of the gospel, conversations have been going on to have colleges integrating CCMP into their curriculum. The expected result of this is to have pastors during their trainings get an appreciation of the need to minister holistically bringing a significant change in communities through their ministries. So the focus will be to introduce the concept of Integral Mission and CCMP during their training at theological colleges. 7. Environmental & Economic Sustainability (EES) This component focuses on empowering communities with skills and knowledge on promoting the well being of the environment as well as coming up with ways of economic sustainability. This advocates for an economic growth and sustainability and has been focusing on young people (18 – 35 years). Porcine Project under CCMP CCMP trainers Binga Group Photo Chipinge training notes Bakery project in Dora – CCMP SHG meeting in Dora SHG in Dora Horticulture project in Dora Envisioning Church leaders on CCMP in Dora EES meeting with young people on Dora Clean up campaign in Dora Irisvale Meeting CCMP Facilitators Irisvale bridge Pentecostal Holiness building Irisvale school Do you want to help us raise funds for these and other projects? Partner with us Donate Now PartnerWith Us Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin 2 Maitland Avenue, Arcadia Harare, Zimbabwe efz@africaonline.co.zw +263 242 772 234+263 242 772 235 +263 774 136 567 Newsletter Subscribe to receive our newsletter Sign Up

About Church and Community Mobilisation Process (CCMP)

CCMP is a  community based participatory development approach aims at building relations between the church and the community so that they can begin to initiate and sustain appropriate development initiatives in their area. The process strongly advocates for the use of indigenous or locally available resources for the development initiatives thus encourage maximization of community’s potential and fight against dependence syndrome. The process initially starts with the empowerment of the church to understand her spiritual and physical mandate for her immediate community. It will be incumbent upon the local church to engage her community so that they can discuss, plan and implement appropriate development which will empower the local community people. Through a series of bible studies and meetings people come to discuss, analyse, gather information and dream dreams for transformation  that help them take charge of their situation by undertaking initiatives which would lead them to improve their living standards holistically instead of waiting for external assistance There are current 8 CCMP trainers under the organisation and 34 first generation facilitators who are facilitating in 34 communities throughout the nation. Over the years the process has begun to incorporate other thematic areas such as disaster risk reduction, Self help approach as well as social accountability. To date the process has been able to reach to over 10000 community members Through the process the community has managed to gain skills that are fundamental in creating and sustaining their livelihoods. It has to be noted that community members have demonstrated a commitment to building and sustaining loving, equitable and affirming relationships that enable the common good and manage disagreements and conflict constructively. CCMP has also helped individuals to grow spirituality in ways that impact community and society positively. Integration of Self Help groups and PADR has further improved community members hope and attitude about the future. More so, they have been capacitated to be able to handle future shocks, stresses and uncertainties well. Generally people now feel empowered to contribute, together with others, to creating and developing positive community and societal change. CCMP has been able to create a platform for everyone to participate in empowering processes and systems that influence decision-making about the future. {gallery}CCMP-102017{/gallery}

Tree-Planting Story


Domboshawa communal lands under chief Chinamhora are located 30km North East of the capital city Harare. The area is famous for its market gardening and it supplies vegetables to the capital city Harare. Many people are finding the area attractive due to its proximity to the capital city and consequently, this has resulted in overcrowding and over population in the area. A majority of houses in the community have not been electrified thus firewood is the main source of fuel. It is common to see people carrying firewood on their heads, bicycle and trucks as firewood apart from being a source of fuel is a source of income or livelihood. The harsh economic environment, high unemployment rate and lack of knowledge and have contributed to the rampant cutting down of trees. The cutting down of trees has increased land degradation and vulnerability to hazards like drought.

Pastor Pathisiwe Dube’s Story

Pastor Pathisiwe Dube is one of the CCMP facilitators has graduated to become a CCMP trainer. She is currently training a group of 11 facilitators in Mawabeni community Matabeleland South Province. “Before the advent of CCMP I was a nervous pastor who had resigned to the role of supporting my husband who is the head of denomination” explained Pastor Pathisiwe. She further states that “In 2012 I was shocked when I was informed by our Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe provincial leader that I had to attend CCMP training in Harare. I later realised that the male pastor who was supposed to come had pulled out. I knew that those opportunities were proffered to male pastors”. In her church she had the role of leading the ladies.

Creche Story

Children in Jambezi Nyikanyoro had the option of walking 3.5 km and 4.5km to attend Early Childhood Development (ECD) classes at the nearest school. The road to St Michael Mbizha Primary school which is 3.5 km from the community is very dangerous as   there are high chances of being attacked by elephants and lions which roam around in the community. Due to the distance and risk of animal attack a number of school going aged children stayed at home and would go to ECD when they are grownups who can at least walk the distances as well as understand the danger posed by animals.

Dam Rehabilitation in Buhera

“Participatory Assessment of Disaster Risk (PADR) training helped our community to unite and consequently we are working together to rehabilitate our dam” – these are the remarks of village head Garamwera. The Gwebo community in Buhera had a dam that was established in the 1990s through a partnership with an International partner but over the years the dam walls developed cracks which has resulted in massive leakage of water away from the dam. More so, due to stream bank cultivation (gardens were less than 30 m away from the dam) the dam has become heavily silted. The siltation greatly reduced the dam surface area as well as it water holding capacity.

Alpha Course Zimbabwe

The Alpha course is a 15-session practical introduction to the Christian faith developed by Holy Trinity Brompton church in London. Alpha is designed into a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith. Alpha provides an opportunity for anyone to explore the meaning of life in the Christian faith in a relaxed, non-threatening setting over ten thought-provoking weekly sessions with a day or weekend away. It runs in churches, coffee shops and homes all around the globe. Typically, an Alpha session includes time of fellowship, a short talk and a discussion at the end where people can share their thoughts regarding the Christian faith. The talks are designed to encourage discussions and explore the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly comfortable environment.

Church and Community Mobilisation Process (CCMP)

CCMP is a  community based participatory development approach aims at building relations between the church and the community so that they can begin to initiate and sustain appropriate development initiatives in their area. The process strongly advocates for the use of indigenous or locally available resources for the development initiatives thus encourage maximization of community’s potential and fight against dependence syndrome. The process initially starts with the empowerment of the church to understand her spiritual and physical mandate for her immediate community. It will be incumbent upon the local church to engage her community so that they can discuss, plan and implement appropriate development which will empower the local community people. Through a series of bible studies and meetings people come to discuss, analyse, gather information and dream dreams for transformation  that help them take charge of their situation by undertaking initiatives which would lead them to improve their living standards holistically instead of waiting for external assistance