Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe Church and Community Transformation Journey

Mail Us efz.@.africaonline.co.zw Call Us +263 774 136 567 Donate HOME PROJECTS Overview The Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe through the Commission for Ministry Development has since 2012 been working towards the transformation of people and communities through the project call Church and Community Mobilization Process (CCMP). CCMP aims to advocate and mobilize communities towards sustainable development and poverty reduction. A number of communities in all the 10 provinces of Zimbabwe have been mobilized and empowered for transformation. Stories of change have recorded in all aspects of life with communities testifying of economic, spiritual, social, emotional and physical changes taking place in the lives of people. A number of components have been integrated to the process over the years in making sure that a holistic transformation takes place in the lives of people within communities. The following are the components that have been integrated in the process. Activities 1. Participatory Assessment of Disaster Reduction (PADR) Through PADR initiatives, infrastructures like Dams, Dam wares , awareness campaigns and empowerment trainings were conducted in some communities. 2. Self Help Groups (SHG) This is a strategy that encourages people to work in small groups gathering their financial resources together with a focus of helping each other start income generating business. This normally targets the poorest of the poor in communities. Currently there are are about 11 communities engaging in SHGs 3. Inclusion In a world full of segregation, exclusion and divisions, the concept of Inclusion focuses on helping communities to be inclusive in their programming. Communities have people who differently abled, educated and not educated, different tribes and cultures hence the concept of inclusion seeks to empower different stakeholders within communities to shun exclusion and be inclusive in whatever they do. Inclusive plays a pivotal role in making sure that opportunities are provided to everyone without segregation. 4. Social Accountability (SA) This is an advocacy tool that has been used by some communities in engaging their stakeholders for service delivery and positives results has been reported where relationships between service providers and community stakeholders had a good working relationship resulting in improvements of service delivery in the communities that have integrated this in their CCMP work. Oneness CCMP facilitators Full Gospel Group Chegutu CCMP training Taruona garden – CCMP 5. Denominations Church denominations have adopted CCMP as a strategy for doing ministry and there has been some feedback from the churches to say that the concept has awakened them on the need to address both physical and spiritual needs of the people without focusing only on spiritual change. Churches have reported about members overcoming dependency syndrome and having confidence to use available resources in transforming their situations. 6. Theological Colleges (TC) Having realized that theological colleges plays a pivotal role in shaping and grouping ministers of the gospel, conversations have been going on to have colleges integrating CCMP into their curriculum. The expected result of this is to have pastors during their trainings get an appreciation of the need to minister holistically bringing a significant change in communities through their ministries. So the focus will be to introduce the concept of Integral Mission and CCMP during their training at theological colleges. 7. Environmental & Economic Sustainability (EES) This component focuses on empowering communities with skills and knowledge on promoting the well being of the environment as well as coming up with ways of economic sustainability. This advocates for an economic growth and sustainability and has been focusing on young people (18 – 35 years). Porcine Project under CCMP CCMP trainers Binga Group Photo Chipinge training notes Bakery project in Dora – CCMP SHG meeting in Dora SHG in Dora Horticulture project in Dora Envisioning Church leaders on CCMP in Dora EES meeting with young people on Dora Clean up campaign in Dora Irisvale Meeting CCMP Facilitators Irisvale bridge Pentecostal Holiness building Irisvale school Do you want to help us raise funds for these and other projects? Partner with us Donate Now PartnerWith Us Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin 2 Maitland Avenue, Arcadia Harare, Zimbabwe efz@africaonline.co.zw +263 242 772 234+263 242 772 235 +263 774 136 567 Newsletter Subscribe to receive our newsletter Sign Up
Self-Help Group Beneficiary Member Story

A testimony by a Widow, Sabina Ngundu, from Buhera. She narrates how the SHG has helped her to increase the output of her garden project.
The Tamuka Self Help Group- Empowering Rural Women

The Tamuka Self Help Group is based in Dora, Mutare rural district in Manicaland. It is situated in Gutukunhuhwa village and has a membership of 17 women from 17 households. Through their weekly savings the group currently has USD65 in its coffers.
The Self-Help Group (SHG) Concept Making Impact

Through the Church and Community Mobilization Process, EFZ continues to reach the most vulnerable; transforming lives whilst empowering individuals to be self-dependent across all provinces in the country.