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To facilitate gender mainstreaming in all EFZ systems, processes and programs
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Key result areas
- Women’s Ministry and Leadership Development
- Gender Mainstreaming and Community Mobilization
- Advocacy and Governance
Key Achievements
- Women’s Ministry and Leadership Development
The Commission works with the EFZ Women’s Advisory Committee through the Women’s Committee to resource and equip women in the fellowship in their leadership roles. Through Leadership Development programs, the Gender Development Commission seek to foster increased satisfaction and ministry excellence, resulting in greater glory to God. The objectives under the Key Result Areas are:
- Mobilise the women in the Fellowship to take a full role in all the programmes and structures of the Fellowship, the Body of Christ and the nation – provincially and nationally.
- Equip women in and outside the Fellowship for biblical womanhood and motherhood
- Advocate and lobby in order to establish for society a vision for a model biblical woman.
- Facilitate and/or undertake any developmental, charitable and spiritual projects and activities of uplifting women and the needy through the Gender Development Committee.
- Gender Mainstreaming and Community Mobilization
In order to engage with religious and cultural practices that have a negative impact on the lives of women and girls, the Commission has trained 35 Trained Channels of Hope Facilitators implementing the Channels of Hope – Gender Methodology in their communities across Zimbabwe. The Channels of Hope – Gender model was used to sustainably impact communities thorough looking at all obstacles to girls’ success emanating from religious beliefs and practices in the IGATE project. Channels of Hope places local religious institutions at the center of Developmental outcomes strengthening church’s response to gender injustices by assisting faith leaders in becoming community change agents who offer messages and provide/support programming which address these key gender issues. Through a Gender Competency Bucket, a tool that analyses and evaluates the following Key Gender Competencies in Churches:
- Relevant and responsible use of the bible
- Accountable leadership
- Knowing and acknowledging vulnerabilities
- Transformative justice
- Compassionate care and support
- Comprehensive prevention
- Meaningful community interaction
A number of religious practices that need to be addressed in the Churches across Zimbabwe are being identified and addressed by Local Church Leaders.
- Advocacy and Governance
Through the Gender Development Commission, EFZ is implementing Non State Actors Coordination and Capacity Strengthening Programme collaboratively with The Non State Actors Apex Alliance which is a consortium of civil society apex bodies. The two and half year programme is being supported by the EU and it commenced in 2016. The main objective of the project is to build capacity of non state actors to effectively participate in national development processes and strengthen coordination mechanisms within the CSOs. In addition, the programme seeks to influence the creation of an enabling environment for non state actors to effectively carry out their development work across all the sectors. The following partners are the ones who are spearheading the implementing of the programme: Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce (ZNCC), Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU), Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe, National Association of Non-Governmental Organisation (NANGO), Women’s Coalition of Zimbabwe (WCoZ), the National Association of Youth Organisations (NAYO), National Association of Societies for the Care of the Handicapped (NASCOH), and Zimbabwe National Council for the Welfare of Children (ZNCWC).
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