Jeremiah 8: 22
Prayer points :
- In a nation deemed to have approximately 85% as Christians or at least Christianity is their chose of religion. How come we have challenges of this magnitude? Is there no physician that can restore the health of a nation overrun by corruption that precipitate economical challenges? Caused irreparable damages, a cancer that has reached unprecedented heights and there is no checking it. Incurableness laid on the populace and hence has to be affirmatively answered. ” Is there no balm in Zimbabwe? ” Yes! certainly there is God who is ABLE to help and heal.
– pray with understanding to the all sufficient God to redress the land who knows the needs of the nation.
– never to fold our arms as observers but as key stakeholders. Have a sense of belonging, a sense of ownership.
- We have on our side Gods word, pastors, prophets with the help of which might have brought repentance and the ruin might have been prevented. Leaders business is to reform the nation and redress problems. Is it that leaders( in particular the political ) are not admitting to the application nor submitting to the methods of cure from its advisors?
– the physician is here, pray that the nation might wilfully be ready to tie itself to the rules of the diagnosis lest it be a merry go round again.
- As a nation we cannot die of our own wounds( corruption, marginalisation, hate etc), nor blood which is upon our heads( killing of the innocent, political indifferences, hate speeches etc). The blood of Christ is the balm for Zimbabwe. His Spirit is the physician, both sufficient and all sufficient so that we may be healed from this bleeding.
– let us stand in the gap because the world does not know that there is a balm in Christ. Plead and confess on behalf of the nation in order for the physician to heal our nation.
- As Christians, we have left everything to chance in governance issues. We have relegated ourselves to observers instead of key stakeholders. We have voted and rooted for evil men to be in power, then pray over problems we have put to lead us( 85% imagine, no one among us capable?) Are there no upright people, are there no godly men and women like the Daniels in our day?
– may God raise godly leaders in our midst. ” When a righteous man rule there is peace ” Prov 29:2.
– pray and act. Too much praying with no action does not work. As church the need to raise godly leaders.