Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe

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Mainstreaming Integral Mission in Theological Education and the Church

The concept of Integral Mission falls within the Church and Community Mobilisation Process which began in 2012. To date, 39 theological institutions affiliated to ACTEZ as well as non-affiliated have been engaged as part of a study to assess how far the current curriculums have been capturing the concept of Integral Mission. The institutions are located in Harare, Bulawayo, Mutare and Gweru. The Fellowship, together with its partners, look forward to a transformation in curriculums of these institutions. This transformation is expected to build pastors who not only know how to meet people’s spiritual needs but holistically meet all human needs including physical, material, and economic needs.

For too long the church has not been adequately equipped to champion holistic development. People’s physical needs have been left in the hands on the government and other players yet the church is a key stakeholder in ensuring that communities are not only spiritually fed but are self-sustaining as well. The Fellowship understands that for the church to thrive and keep attracting more people to Christ, people must be able to see the church as a wholesome institution able to meet both their spiritual and earthly needs. Whilst we all desire eternal life at the end of our lives, we have current physical needs which need to be met whilst we are still here and these including the most basic needs of food, clothes, shelter and health. The church has a key role to play in providing these needs to their congregants and this can be achieved by outworking Integral Mission as the church.

If Integral Mission is adopted in theological institutions across the country, holistic development will be emphasized right from the classroom before pastors are deployed to local assemblies so that they are knowledgeable in how they can and should impact their communities for greater transformation. It all starts with the local Pastor.

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