Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe

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The Journey to Rebuild Hope, Confidence and Stability [Press Statement]

The Journey to Rebuild Hope, Confidence and Stability Towards the Zimbabwe We Want

Psalms 127:1
Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it:
except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.


Our Concern

As part of the Church in Zimbabwe, we are extremely concerned about the turn of events during the shutdown protests which have been ongoing in many cities and towns.

We have witnessed and received reports of buildings being vandalized, shops looted, public service infrastructure burnt, and people being shot. We have also heard of people being beaten by the security forces, streets and houses tear-gased, roads barricaded with stones, wood and burning tyres. We have read and heard messages of threats of violence and retributions on social media platforms. These actions are deplorable. We would like to express our deepest condolences to the families that have lost their loved ones.

As the Church, we are not oblivious to the sufferings of the people, with many struggling to feed themselves, let alone earn a decent livelihood. We take note of the varied opinions on the recent price increases of fuel, including the position and necessity of such an increase from the Government perspective. Our people are now living in fear of violence, fear of the unavailability and unaffordability of basic goods and services. There is a dark cloud of despair and helplessness over the nation.

Our Call

As the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe:

  • We strongly urge our Governing Authorities to URGENTLY convene a Round-table Dialogue Platform with ALL CONCERNED players, actors and citizen representative groups to discuss the root causes of the unrest and the way forward that is inclusive and sustainable in the immediate to midterm.
  • We strongly reiterate that violent expression and or violent repression will not help the situation and all those affected, including both the Governing Authorities and Citizens.
  • While citizens have the right to register their concerns in the form of demonstrations and petitions, we condemn all violent expressions just as we equally condemn all violent responses from  state actors.
  • We urge and remind the Christian’s to continue making supplication, petitions and intercessions to God our Maker, for the healing and restoration of our land and nation; Nothing replaces the power and presence of God in the trajectory of our country. With God nothing is impossible. Let’s continue to be the salt and light of the world and so let our light shine.

Our Prayer

  • We pray for the healing of the wounded
  • We pray for the fear of the Lord in everyone
  • We pray for wisdom to resolve the impasse

May the Lord remember Zimbabwe
May the peace of God come over Zimbabwe
May the people rejoice one more time Lord



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