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Reconciliation Message


In this season of commemorating the heroic attainment of political independence and sovereignty, the message of reconciliation should be at the core of reflections in the Journey of Rebuilding Hope, Confidence and Stability towards a united, just and prosperous nation-the Zimbabwe We Want. Reconciliation should be embraced both as a process but much more as an outcome, it reveals the ultimate end or desire-restoration.

2 Corinthians 5, John 3, Romans 6


  1. The relationship between God and Man could ONLY be reconciled by the Will of God. When Adam realised his sin, he hid from God yet God chose to LOOK for Adam. He even made the first clothes for Adam to cover his nakedness. Even though Man willed, he couldn’t satisfy the righteousness of God. Jesus came by the Will of God. It took the Will and Love of God to have reconciliation with His creation.
  2. Reconciliation came because God chose to FORGIVE Man, thus creating a bridge for reconciliation. The One wronged began the process of reconciliation through forgiving the sinner. How awesome is this! It is said that the one who benefits most through forgiveness is the forgiver than the forgiven. Forgiveness is a choice arrived at through much REFLECTION and SOUL SEARCHING.
  3. Reconciliation came through by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, justice was served through the punishment bone by Christ on the Cross. He became the sacrifice for the reconciliation transaction to become effected. The sacrifice was sufficient to fulfil all righteousness.
  4. Reconciliation came to make sense because Man acknowledged his sin and rejoiced being forgiven. God initiated but Man had to respond. That’s where faith comes in, the forgiven must trust and believe they have been forgiven by the one they wronged. Our human approaches rely on “works” to prove that one has indeed transformed before they can be forgiven and reconciled. This always brings limitations to the whole process of reconciliation. However, this is not to say there must not be transformation, renewal of mind, the “never-again” mantra. There ought to be fruits of repentance and commitment to a reconciled state.
  5. Reconciliation brought back to the table God and Man, fellowship was restored, communion was restored, peace was established and there is hope of glory in ruling heaven and earth together. We can fully claim to the the children of God now, with full access to the blessings and authority of the relationship restored. The devil can’t do anything about it!!


This is the message for Zimbabwe and Zimbabweans. God has a plan for this nation. We must follow the plan of God for our salvation, redemption and reconciliation. There is practical implication and application of this message to be explored.

Clinical methods, humanistic philosophies alone cannot satisfy the demands of reconciliation. Spiritual truths have power over material realities, and can set this nation free into peace, growth and prosperity.


As Sinners Saved by Grace Alone, through Faith alone, in Christ alone, we are ambassadors of this great message, and we have a duty and responsibility to share and bring it to pass to our hurting nation. In this season of commemorating the heroic attainment of political independence and sovereignty, the message of reconciliation should be at the core of reflections in the Journey of Rebuilding Hope, Confidence and Stability towards a united, just and prosperous nation-the Zimbabwe We Want.


[blockquote]Ps Blessing Makwara[/blockquote]

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