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1. Micah Southern African Integral Mission Consultation
Peace, Reconciliation and Healing
15 -17 April 2018 – Lusaka, Zambia
Hosted by Micah, Peace and Reconciliation Network (PRN) and EFZ.
It is not too late to sign up!
The wounds and scars impacting communities from historical injustice continue to fester with limited band aid approaches not getting to the root causes of the pain. These deep wounds have affected identity, self-confidence and a sense of well being, exacerbated by ongoing injustice, violence and poverty. Communities are shaped and informed by a history of colonial and post-colonial struggles, where weapons of words that undermined were as effective as weapons that inflicted physical violence.
As Christians we follow the Prince of Peace and are called to a Ministry of Reconciliation. What does this look like in practice and how do we get there together? This consultation seeks to ask these questions and discern together the way ahead. All details, including (registration information and costs) are in the downloadable information flyer below.
Speakers include Dr Johannes Reimer, Rev Joseph Nyamutera, and Eugene Kabilika.
For more information contact
Martin Kapenda, Micah Zambia National Coordinator
Email: zambia@micahglobal.org
Mobile: +260 97 7147320
Micah Events: events@micahglobal.org
Visit the Micah Global website here.
2. Thinking Theology
Letting the Bible shape our development work
8 – 11 May 2018 – Harare, Zimbabwe
Hosted by Zimbabwe Council of Churches, EFZ and Tearfund
Thinking Theologically was developed to support theologians, Church leaders, and Christians working in relief and development work to help envision and equip them for integral mission. The gatherings provide space and opportunity for people take a break from their daily work and reflect on what the bible has to say about the nature of mission and explore what it means for their work in tackling poverty.
Thinking Theology: Zimbabwe will focus on three main themes; integral mission, family and leadership, looking specifically at what this means in the Zimbabwean context. The programme has been designed to allow delegates to look at what impact a deeper understanding of holistic mission and a life of discipleship has upon particular topics related to poverty, relief and development, by thinking theologically about them.
Key objectives of the gathering include:
- To supercharge the church into greater influence and action in integral mission
- Inspiring courageous and relevant leadership and helping it spread
- Addressing the changing modern family; broken relationships, gender, discipleship, whole life transformation, child protection
- Going back to basics – including looking at discipleship
- Create platforms for dialogue – encourage unity
- Reflection, learning and understanding impact and accountability
- Re-igniting effective and righteous prayer
We believe this event is essential to share hearts and minds and to mobilise the church and communities in Zimbabwe to be bringers of hope. Come and be a part of this significant gathering of theological thinkers as we reflect and discuss ways to challenge, envision and equip the church to reveal the nature and reality of God’s kingdom in the world today.
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