Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe

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#PrayRegisterVote Campaign

Informed by the basis of its integral mission, the church takes a conscious and deliberate effort to promote the effective participation of Christians in every day and public life. The Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe as part of the Zimbabwe Heads of Christian Denominations in particular and of the body of Christ in general has been working to promote the participation of Christians in all aspects of life in general, and in particular in the electoral process. Through these efforts, the EFZ has been running a Campaign called #PrayRegisterVote, which essentially seeks to encourage Christians to be part of the election process by engaging at the very least in 3 specific actions which are; praying registering and voting

Through this campaign, EFZ recognizes that the journey towards the Zimbabwe We Want compels every Zimbabwean to action. In this electoral season, every Zimbabwean has a duty and responsibility to their country to actively participate and #PrayRegisterVote!!!

Photos from the Launch Event


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