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“Water for Life in Jesus Name’’ Project in Murehwa District

The inception of the “Water for Life in Jesus Name’’ project in Murehwa district of Mashonaland East Province in Zimbabwe by the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe (EFZ) and Living Water International (LWI) brought about holistic transformation of local churches and their immediate communities. Unlike before, churches embraced developmental programs as they actively engaged and participated in WASH and the WORD project. After a clarion call by the Salvation Army church to have their local borehole rehabilitated, EFZ/LWI together with the District Development Fund team responded with immediate effect and rehabilitated the borehole. Prior to the rehabilitation of the well, it was a pathetic situation to note that N’andu village borehole (the only in three distant villages) served N’andu, Mutsahuni and part of Chikupo villages. Both humans and livestock were in dire need of water. The integration of water and the word saw the provision of the much needed water, formation of hygiene clubs in the program area and preaching of the gospel message of Jesus Christ. As a result of these efforts, the relationship between EFZ/LWI and government’s District Development Fund department was fostered, villagers were exposed to the gospel with several others turning their hearts to God and health issues were promoted as people had access to clean and safe drinking water.

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