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Tamuka Village / Esnath Story Piece: By Ernest Nhamo

Tamuka village is located about 40km from Mutoko Centre and the people there do peasant farming for their livelihood using rainy water.  

This is where the people of Tamuka village would fetch water before the intervention. Their borehole broke down 3 years ago. The borehole would produce 2-4 buckets of mudy water hence people would resort to the open space in a valley close by.

We spoke to Esnath’s mother, the lady with a baby on her back on the photo. Esnath is an eight year girl and they stay about 1km from the borehole. The way from their homestead to the borehole is bushy. We learned with surprise Esnath is sometimes sent alone to the open space to fetch water after school from the open space. This is where she would spend more than 30minutes alone trying to get 10litres of water. The mother confirmed that this has exposing her girl child to many dangers. With the new well even though it is still about 500m from their homestead she was confident it was going to make Esnath’s life more comfortable as t is easier and quicker to draw water from the well.

[half first]
Previous Water Source[/half] [half last]
This is where Esnath and the Community of Tamuka Village ares getting safe and clean drinking water after the intervention[/half]

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