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ZHOCD Remarks on the Occasion of the International Human Rights Day, Hosted By The Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission

The theme for this year’s Human Rights Day Commemoration “Standing up for someone’s rights today” resonates profoundly with the mandate of the church regarding humanity.

On this day, the ZHOCD takes the opportunity to recognize and appreciate the existence of a home-grown Constitution, which now includes an extended bill of rights in Chapter 4!

On this day, the Church acknowledges the importance of respecting, promoting and protecting the dignity of the human person, and of those rights – socio-economic, cultural and civil-political- which are a reflection of that dignity.

We must all strive for a holistic approach where civil and political rights, economic, cultural and social rights are addressed in an integrated way. This involves confronting and challenging the vices that threaten the realization of these human rights in our country. Such vices include: poverty, unemployment, inequality and corruption.

In the face of social, economic and political dynamics that may sometimes question the country’s commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights, the Church implores both the State and Citizens to rise above these challenges and hold the mantle of human dignity high as we strive towards the progressive realization of human rights for all.

The Great Commandment

We must love one another and do to others as we want them do to us as well. This is an expression of our love and honor to our Creator. Greater love is speaking and defending one’s neighbour than oneself – it is about laying down one’s life for the sake of those one loves;


·    Love suffers long and is kind;
·    Love does not envy;
·    Love does not parade itself,
·    Love is not puffed up;
·    Love does not behave rudely,
·    Love does not seek its own,
·    Love is not provoked,
·    Love thinks no evil;
·    Love does not rejoice in iniquity,
·    Love rejoices in the truth;
·    Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.
·    Love never fails!
  – 1 Corinthians 13; 4-8

Our Lord and Savior stood up for the weak, the vulnerable and oppressed and as Christians; we MUST follow this way of life “Standing up for someone’s rights today


As the Zimbabwe Heads of Christian Denominations (ZHOCD), which comprises of – Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops’ Conference (ZCBC), Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe (EFZ), Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) and Union for the Development of Apostolic and Zionist Churches in Zimbabwe Africa (UDACIZA) – we join the nation and indeed, the rest of the world in commemorating International Human Rights Day.

May God continue to guide and bless our Great Zimbabwe.

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace” – Numbers 6; 24-26




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