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To enhance the relevance of the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe by facilitating, coordinating and providing ministry programs and activities to members.
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Key result areas
- Evangelism, Discipleship and Church Planting
- Prayer
- Holistic Ministry/Integral Mission
- Youth and Child evangelism
Key Achievements
Evangelism, Church Planting and Discipleship
- 300,000 people were reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Zimbabwe between June 2017 and May 2018. There ere was mass evangelism crusades that were conducted in partnership with the following ministries:
- Christ for All Nations (with Evangelist Daniel Kolenda)
- Jesus for Africa Evangelistic Ministry
- Zimbabwe for Jesus
- 5,000 people were introduced to Basic Contrextual Bible Storying (Orality) in Epworth, Harare, Mutoko and Murehwa through the 5:5:5 Orality Strategy for Discipleship Multiplication.
- 31 Local Church Denominations were equipped with skills and envisioned on the concept of Holistic Integral Mission between April 2017 and April 2018.
- Equip – Approximately 100 round tables were established since the launch of the Salt & Light Strategy in 2017.
- Prayer – Over 700 church leaders converged in Harare for the prayer Conference with Prophet Cindy Jacobs in Harare. The 3-day prayer conference was characterised with prophetic ministry (to the nation and to individuals), deliverance and miracles as leaders prayed together with singleness of heart and purpose. The conference was culminated into a week of prayer and fasting which climaxed on the 25th of May, 2018 as the whole church represented by ZHOCD (Zimbabwe Heads of Christian Denominations) converged at the Harare Showgrounds for the Zimbabwe Day of Prayer. This was then followed by a mass gathering of young people at Glamis Arena for the Stadium Worship.
Support to Member Bodies
The Commission for Ministry Development endeavours to partner with member bodies and the broader church in meeting the Spiritual and Physical needs of God’s people.
The Commission has the following tools which member bodies can utilize for their Evangelism and Discipleship Programmes:
- Contextual Bible Storying – Orality
- Church and Community Mobilization Process Framework
- Alpha Course
- Holistic Integral Mission Training
- Orality Leadership Training
Download the CCMP Facilitators’ Manual
The Church and Community Mobilization Process (CCMP)
Facilitators’ Manual
Pictures from the Cindy Jacobs Prayer Conference
For more information, contact our head of Commission for Ministry Development on : Tel : +263 774 136 567 or Mobile : +263 4 772 234/5