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Alpha Course Zimbabwe

The Alpha course is being run in different church denominations across all the mother church bodies in Zimbabwe and comes suitable for different contexts namely Classic Alpha, Youth Alpha, Student Alpha, Prisons Alpha, Work place Alpha, Forces Alpha, KIDS ABC, Marriage Preparation Course and the Marriage Course.

The Office has been active in training churches and organisations on how to run these courses. And of late support has been given to the UDACIZA churches. Under the UDACIZA 180 people have recently completed the Alpha course. Of these people 37 people received Christ for the first time in their lives with 50 recommitting their lives to Christ. We managed to distribute new Shona bibles and 46 people confessed that it is their first time to read a bible in their lives as most of them grew up in a background where they did not believe in the bible. We are now in the process of training more leaders for the new courses under the UDACIZA for the 3rd term.  

We are so grateful for what the Lord has been doing and we now targeting to reach out to schools through the scripture Union relationship that is already in existence.  

Currently courses are running under the Alpha Work place with 46 staff members at Food lovers market during lunch hours. We are hoping for more doors to be opened in workplaces across our nation.

The Prison Alpha courses in Manicaland reaching out to 360 inmates whose lives have been transformed by Jesus as we earmark to cut down on the re-offending rates in Zimbabwe. Currently in partnership with the Miracle Missions 18 prisons have been reached out in Matabeleland and more courses are expected to start running thus extending the kingdom of God even to the inmates.



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